About SocialTariff.co.uk

Please note that the SocialTariff.co.uk website is a free and impartial resource, but we are not connected to the DWP, Ofcom or the UK Government in any way. If you require assistance with anything related to Universal Credit, please go to the official UK Government mini-site here.

About This Website

SocialTariff.co.uk was created mainly out of frustration. While the Social Tariff scheme is certainly a welcome change and much needed by struggling families, the way that it has been rolled out has been – to put it bluntly – a bit of a disaster.

Of the few internet providers that are offering it, most of them do not actively promote it. You will struggle to find information on any of the plans on most of the internet provider’s websites. And don’t even think about finding out more about eligibility requirements.

That’s why we created this free & helpful website, to bring all Social Tariff information – for both broadband & SIM-Only – into one easy-to-use website. You can find information on each provider’s Social Tariff scheme, their eligibility and application processes, and much more. This website is 100% free and unbiased.

If you want to suggest a scheme or Social Tariff or if you are from the media and want to get in touch with a question, you can do so here.